Tessitura Landini manufactures polishing mops for polishing and finishing processes and surface treatment since 1950.
The company mission is to provide high quality products customized on the custumer's needs for polishing and buffing.
Our continuous improvement in innovation allowed us to register the patents IRA and SMO improving the quality, safety and performacne of the polishing processes.
Quality and Technology for the polishing process

We produce a wide range of products with a catalogue of more than 200 articles for manual or automatic polishing operations. The buffs are manufactored in different materials (cotton, sisal, sisal/cotton), type (full disk, ondulated, pleated, airwave, special) and dimensions (diameter form 80 mm up to 1600 mm).
Industries and applications
Our buffing wheels are used in different industries and cover a wide range of polishing operations.
The main sector and applications are:
precious metals
Materiali e tussuti
Textile and resins
Textile and resin type and quality are important aspects to enhance the buffing wheel and to assure high performance to polishing and finishing operations.
Tessitura Landini commits resources in selecting the right textiles and fabrics in order to develop hight performace wheels.
A great importance is given to supllier selection both on a domestic and international level.
Textile Discs and Buffs for surface buffing are prepared with a resin solution containing an abrasive compound. Following vacuum dip treatment and centrifugation, the treated buffs and wheels are oven-treated for resin polymerisation.
The abrasive compound incorporated in the dip treatment resin provides a continous source of abrasive material on the work area of the wheel solving the issue of paste shortage during intervals between successive abrasive paste applications.
This allows for a considerable saving of abrasive paste while increasing the life of the buffing wheels. Basically, this new technique consists in a dip treatment with a special emulsion-suspension compound.
The main benefits for using a polishing wheel with a SMO treatment are:
reduction in the 20% / 30% range in abrasive paste consumption (compared to the amount used with a similar buffing disc or wheel without S.M.O).
remarkable increase in the wheel durability. The increase is estimated between 15% and 25%.
SMO is a registered tradema of Tessitura Landini

S.M.O European Patent
Thanks to high manufactoring flexibility Tessitura Landini is able to serve customers with very different polishing processes and operations by managing a wide produc mix.
Tessitura Landini is able to manage both small multiproduct orders typical of manual polishing operations and big batch orders typical of large scale polishing operations.
This flexibility allowed us to build a divesified customer base in term of dimension, industry and country. Managing such diversity allows us to increase our know how about surface treatment process in order to improve our product design and manufactoring systems and to help our customer to identify and develop the right product for each specif operation.